What We Do

Artist: Luba Lukova, 2010
TOPLAB Community Education Program -- previously known as the TOPLAB internship.  The TOPLAB Community Education program trains community educators and political organizers in the games and basic techniques of Image and Forum theater from the canon of Theater of the Oppressed.
Email the coordinator at gail.toplab@gmail.com for details on our next training cycle. 

Boston Busing Desegregation Project--
In its attempts to organize African-American parents to be more engaged with the Boston Public School system, the Union of Minority Neighborhoods (UMN) encountered cynicism towards and distrust of the school system. They found, however, a lot of energy and no small amount of pain and anger around Boston school desegregation in general and “busing” in particular. In looking for a way to tap into and understand that energy, or what popular education theorist, Paulo Freire, would call a generative issue[1], UMN has begun investigating using a Truth process in Boston: a community-driven process of telling, sharing, and learning from stories across differences to co-create the history of busing and Boston school desegregation as a way to engage more individuals and communities into current efforts to improve the school system.

[1] Generative issues-complex experiences which are charged with political significance and are likely to generate considerable discussion and analysis.

Falconworks/ Red Hook Theater Project-- We serve as mentors and consultants for selected community based projects. Falconworks/ Red Hook Theater Project-- a community organizing initiative based in the Red Hook section of Brooklyn, NY. Members will be trained in popular education methodology, using democratic process to build and strengthen the groups community based strategic efforts. With TOPLAB, they are currently exploring the efficacy of utilizing investigative theater and storytelling aesthetic processes to further their research of the history and concerns of Red Hook which will inform future organizing strategy. Previously, Red Hook Theater Project has utilized Image and Forum theater techniques to address the legalization of gay marriage and domestic violence.